Sicaran battle tank 8th edition
Sicaran battle tank 8th edition

sicaran battle tank 8th edition

The sheer power of the neutron pulse cannon isn’t its only feature, and where it really shines compared to other heavy weaponry is its special rules when shooting at vehicles, forcing them to subtract 1 from their hit rolls in their next Shooting phase. What’s better is that this weapon is unaffected by whether or not the Venator moved, further increasing its effective range. A 3 round burst should be enough to kill a rampaging Helbrute outright or cripple a Tyranid war-beast, while a couple of additional shots from the Venator’s sponson-mounted lascannon, or even a lucky shot from a hunter-killer missile, should be capable of finishing most foes. With Strength 12, it’ll be wounding anything short of a Warlord Titan on a 3+, while an AP of -4 means even the heaviest armour is almost entirely mitigated. This speed is coupled with the neutron pulse cannon, a weapon that’s sure to put the fear of the Emperor into any traitor. This speed allows the Venator to get into position quickly and flank enemies from around cover, or stay well out of the way of fast moving jump units looking to bog it down in combat. Though lightweight enough to be borne across the battlefield in powered leaps and even fired mid-jump by more experienced Suppressors, these potent weapons hammer foot-long, armour-piercing shells into the enemy at a ferocious rate.Įnemy infantry are forced to dive for cover, their advance grinding to a halt lest they be blasted limb-from-limb.Įven armoured fighting vehicles are swiftly wrecked as the concentrated hail of shots blows out motive systems, fills crew compartments with lethal shrapnel and touches off fuel and ammunition in catastrophic detonations.Like all Sicaran pattern vehicles, the Venator is faster than most ground tanks available to the Space Marines, with a 14” move. Suppressors of the Ultramarines Chapter armed with Accelerator Autocannons and wearing Mark X Omnis Power Armour. These rapid-fire weapons unleash shells at a much higher velocity than a standard Autocannon, enabling it to successfully engage moving targets and strike with pinpoint accuracy.Ī smaller, man-portable version of the Accelerator Autocannon is also used by Primaris Space Marine Vanguard Suppressor Squads. The twin-linked Herekles Pattern Accelerator Autocannon deployed atop the Sicaran Battle Tank.Īn Accelerator Autocannon is a type of heavy Imperial Autocannon.

Sicaran battle tank 8th edition